+39 348 659 6007 info@creaturedipietra.it








My art free this that the stone houses.


Born in 1961, in Pavullo, she lives now in Olina, within the same Council district.

Edda is a Naturopath and Logosynthesis practitioner. She started drawing and painting in High School.

The materials she uses the most are paper, canvas, wood and especially glass which she has engraved and painted for over thirty years creating artistic windows also in large sizes.

Since March 2015 she started painting on stone, her inspiration deriving from meditation or a theme that emerged whilst giving counselling or from personal experience or a particularly vivid dream.

The themes treated in the paintings are numerous, but one value remains constant: the respect for Mother Earth and all life forms that inhabit it.

Often, by looking at the shape of a rough stone, Edda has the impression that the stone wants to free its true essence by suggesting what should emerge from itself.

This is why she calls them “Stone creatures”.

I began painting stones in 2015, but before I used to paint on paper, wood and especially glass. My stones come from the fields, the edges of the roads, the seas or the rivers. They often find me or are brought to me by friends who know about my passion. I love to painting stones and let them guide my brush in harmony with their shapes, cracks, cuts or deformations. I have painted large stones, including a 1400-kilo rock that has been placed under the beautiful Romanesque bridge in Olina. I painted that stone on every side and dedicated it to the cult of Pachamama or Mother Earth.
Creature di Pietra - Anima-li
Creature di Pietra - Ritratti
Creature di Pietra - Simboli
Creature di Pietra - Uomini e Anima-li
Creature di Pietra - Pietrine in Chiaroscuro
Creature di Pietra - Pietrine
Creature di Pietra - Facce da Pietra
Creature di Pietra - Quadri di Pietra
Creature di Pietra - Disegni

Contact me

1 + 4 =


Phone: +39 348 659 6007
email: info@creaturedipietra.it

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