+39 348 659 6007 info@creaturedipietra.it


Nananu talks about Trust and says: “The nourishment we need from birth and throughout our lives is not only physical. Because we are body, emotion, thought and Essence. We need nourishment, a welcoming and safe environment in which to train, an intellectual stimulus...
Motherhood “Petra and David“

Motherhood “Petra and David“

Petra says: “I hold my whole world in my arms, I hold an extension of myself that makes me feel happy, complete, full. I will let this child grow as he is, as he will discover himself to be, I will keep love, attention and care for him as long as it is necessary. I...


“It takes a thousand voices to tell one story” (Apache) Pictosculpture with chestnut and oak wood base. “Trees and Peoples” Detail of the painted stones”The Caucasian people” Alexander says: “I live in the northern hemisphere of the...
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